Gold Mask

Gold Mask activates internal reserves of your body, giving them wherever you want

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You can make the skin firm and elastic, improve metabolism in the whole body, and simply increase their life potential
Normalization of the organ systems
Translighters Gold Mask activates internal reserves of your body, giving them wherever you want.
You can make the skin firm and elastic, improve metabolism in the whole body, and simply increase their life potential.
Normalization of the organ systems
Interacting, first of all, from the head area and the brain mask promotes activation of restoration and adaptation processes, launching mechanisms of normalization of organs and body systems.
Improves overall health. Increasing the barrier function of the skin, its surface becomes more integrated, lesions heal faster. The skin becomes a qualitatively new type of containment. Recovery Process management takes place unconsciously, to self-level.
In the skin at all levels, including the activity of the protection mechanisms. Violations compensated homeostasis, metabolism is normalized. The energy for the maintenance of these processes, the body extracts from the internal connections of water liquid crystal structures.
customizable mask to certain conversion tasks, and its effects can be controlled consciously, enhancing its action. Other organs and systems are taking the baton to the structural transformation, it is also filled with the new liquid crystal bonds.
Various cosmetic procedures, enhance the effect of the application of the “Gold Mask”, since beginning to work deeper levels, including in the maintenance of an active mind and tone your body of light. Thus, the lifting effect of sharing the “Golden Mask” is more stable and durable.
New Light Body. Moisture supply
“Golden Mask” contributes to the transformation of the human Body of Light. Energy sheath takes the form a single network, where there is no separated areas, and energy distribution is balanced and constant. Luminosity is reduced uniformly.
Before using the “Gold Mask” should drink more fluids (preferably water, structured parlor). After the procedure, should also drink a glass of water to facilitate the process of recovery. Due to the normalization of the light of the human body, the body can store energy, which previously used to compensate for energy losses.
Regular use of masks increases the moisture content of tissue, normalizes the circulation of fluid in the tissues of the skin and internal organs. Absorbed by the body water will be reallocated mask. Crystal structures within each cell are organized in a new way that improves the operation efficiency and increases the life of every cell and tissue in general. Water absorbed in the body and plays a role structured additional energy source.
Cleaning information links
Under the influence of the “Gold Mask” is updated and scrubbing of information flows through the mind and consciousness. The brain perceives the information faster and more objective. This update allows a person to select for themselves the necessary knowledge and clear.
With constant use of “Gold Mask” growing sense of inner peace, the perception of the surrounding world becomes balanced. All actions are becoming more aware, and implementation of tactical tasks (long-term) to the next level. They are implemented easily, with ease, with high speed.
The attraction, joy and understanding
The user mask after some time of regular use begins to feel an increased interest on the part of others. He appears as a conscious and unconscious level. The surrounding people become more friendly, trying to help, evince a desire to cooperate and communicate.
The increased participation and attention of others helps a person to quickly rebuild the connection with the outside world and effectively customize their interaction system.
Gradually erased traces of aggression as the user masks and his own aggression towards others. Begins to decrease symptoms complexes and self-restraint. Disappears anger and irritation.
It changes the usual course of things. From the cycle of recurring events planned path to growth and development.
Welfare begins to grow as a consequence of increasing viability of the individual.
Being close to the user’s mask brings another person a feeling of inner peace and joy. If the holder of masks bears education, his ideas are more easily accepted and successfully translated into reality. You become a source of inspiration and creative energy emitter. A person is enlightened, showing the new look of the man of the future. The future becomes a bright, open up prospects and improve day by day.
Models of the biointernet mask here
Magic, Science, Technologies
Order Gold Mask here
The Gold Biointernet Mask Manual
The Gold Mask consists of two woven modules with clip-on inserts (see diagram below).

1 and 3 – modules GM, the outer part of them is made of polyester, the inner part – of cotton.
2.4 – individual
exchangeable liners (cotton).
The inserts are fastened with a Velcro to the main modules. The purpose of the liners is hygienic safety. Unfasten and wash the liners in warm water with soap and soiling.
Do not transfer the mask with your liner to another person. When using a foreign GM or after contamination of the liner temporarily use as a lining material a napkin or a cloth of natural fiber.
Recommendations for use
1. Choose a time when you can relax and not be distracted. Take a calm posture, lying or sitting. Drink a glass of water without the use of stimulants.
2. Put the main module No. 1 GM on the face so that the eyes and nose are in the notches.
3. Arrange the module №3 with the liner to yourself so that the rectangular part wraps around the neck, and the semicircular covers the chin.
Happy recovery and the acquisition of the Forces nouvelles!
- The Gold Biointernet Mask
4. Now relax for 20-30 minutes. You can lie down and close your eyes, or sit in a sitting position and read something quiet.
5. Pay attention to your body. How does it react to the application of 3M? In which parts of the body are the most powerful sensations? You can strengthen or weaken the sensations by applying visualization, meditation, affirmations.
6. The time of application of MW is not limited. You can adjust the convenient and comfortable time of use for you.
7. ZM enhances the effect of cosmetic products. They can be applied to the face before applying ZM. Put protective wipes on the face before putting on the ZM to prevent the cosmetics from getting on the mask.
The Gold Biointernet Mask
The Gold Biointernet Mask Reviews
I tried to dress GM for the night. Helps to relax well and then face muscles are very pliable)) did Mental facial massage. The energy stream in that place where the movement of mental hands mentally goes was felt. Very well works with creams night. It is possible to dress the different party the lower bandage. Up is a ledge, gives good “compress” for a chin. Down, gives healing and restoration of both a thyroid gland, and a thymus. Because when I have only dressed her first time, the convex party a bandage, that down that on a neck is dressed. At once the stream from a fork and to thyroid and up to eyebrows was felt then.Generally if so to dress, the thymus is youth if the return, lifting of a chin, a thyroid gland, the third eye. And powerful relaxation of mimic muscles which have become numb and have turned into wrinkles.
Before application of the Golden Mask my daughter rigidly was at war earlier with the brother (thankGod, only verbally), and now has replaced the relation with patronizing women’s- soft and indulgent. However, from it it became much more difficult for the son – earlier he most often won verbal duels, and now all his arrivals as if in emptiness fail. But, as they say, – “result on the person”, and quickly enough (weeks hasn’t passed as I began to notice).
3 first days I slept in a mask, interesting dreams and pretty realistic dreamed. The plot was in style of manifestation outside of my unsatisfied requirements and fears. But I would tell that they were pleasant, to steam of unpleasant feelings was in a dream, but the general plot was pleasant to me. All 3 nights I woke up on in the middle of the night with desire to unmask, probably to an organism was enough. I removed and went to bed further.
Today there was a disturbing state and fear, has shrouded all physiology. I tried structures of different other firms, they didn’t remove this state. I have laid down in a mask for 20 minutes and gradually this state has left, ease in a stomach and the head has appeared and there was even no wish to rise, there was a wish to lie further in a mask.
p.s. I drink the water structured by the Front room Super.
I have found the positive moment for myself.If every day to sleep in the Golden Mask, then uneasiness and fears is removed and respectively on physics the zone connected with it is restored, work of a stomach and intestines is normalized.
Very much helps me during monthly and before them: when the stomach hurts, I enclose the lower part of a mask under a waist or I put on a stomach, and pain very quickly abates. I recommend to women heartily, it is better than any noshpa
Golden Mask – One of powerful products for impact on a body. I put him under a pillow. At first I woke up in about three hours with whistle in the head, but now I adapted. Both at me and at relatives skin became such elastic as if in youth, the volume of food has decreased and is enough to eat two times. And here I began to drink water more, just hunting, even for the night I put a glass of water nearby, water of course is structured “by a front room the Chalice of Sunshine.The positive relation of people pleasantly pleases, you try to catch eyes even not of acquaintances…. and life that gets better…
The mask is as upraising product. The first time when dressed, on the person several minutes vibrations “walked”, now I note nothing of that kind, but people whomI communicate and meet note. Reflection in a mirror is something. People around cannot have eyes glued, secretly permanently stare (the picture decently changes). Digestion is really normalized, it is felt right after clothing of a mask. I tried to set some tasks on operation with a body, effects are. I dress several times a month and I rejoice (I think girls daily wear). This thing causes only the positive emotions. I plan to make happy the loved one with this gift.
At first I was intrigued by Lily’s response about relaxation of face muscles and cosmetic effect, esteemed about her and decided to buy and did not lose!! I have often muscles of the person, especially jaws strain, I try to weaken, but then all the same I forget and, by inertia, at me everything was again clamped. Generally yesterday I with this mask lay and tension a muscle of the person did not arise generally. Still I clamped a nape and a neck, well and the should erbelt is farther. Very strongly hinders in life, especially, when long you sit at the computer on operation, the neck became numb even more and eyes from tension hurt. And so with a mask at me it turned out to relax more a neck and an ape, just by itself it turned out to release softly there tension. Then in throat chakra the pulsation began, at the same time the mask heated such pleasant heat a little. The body too well relaxed. In general, there is even no wish to unmask, there is a wish to lie in it to have a rest, I decided to remove all the same for the night, but supposed under a pillow. Here, I fell asleep and woke up for a second from the fact that at forehead center as though tension left and in case of what there was such sound as jingling as though something was opened, now on operation and the neck does not become numb, eyes do not hurt even if long you look in the monitor, generally a lot of stress was removed. Generally the product powerful, all the time is felt energy from it, even when lies just under a pillow.