Orgone Mask
The Biointernet Orgone Mask
Orgone Mask – the Biointernet training mask
Orgone Mask – the Biointernet Mask with Orgone mirrors inside
The Biointernet Orgone Mask Pre-order

Purpose of the Orgone Mask mask:
- for deep meditation with open and closed eyes in the dark;
- for rest and sleep in the presence of interfering external light sources;
- to improve Intuitive Information Sight;
- for work with psychoactive audio programs using Mindmachine Navigator;
- to improve vision;
- for auto-psycho-correction;
- to program the desired reality.
The Orgone Mask mask is a synthesis of various technologies that greatly reinforce each other
Orgone Battery
The perception and understanding of information, as well as techniques for the realization of desires, are very energy-consuming processes that require very specific energy. This type of Energy as “Ki”, “Qi”, “Prana”, “Orgone” and others in various teachings.
In order to support the energy of these processes in the Orgone Mask, a battery (according to Wilhelm Reich) was used, which is an organic film metallized on one side and folded in several layers.
Orgone mirrors developed by Reich’s student Charles Kelley after Reich’s death in 1957, orgone was conceived as the anti-entropic principle of the universe (Please see about Entropyn technology).
At the same time, this type of orgone battery, due to the presence of a good reflective surface, made it possible to implement additional conditions for successful visualization.
The eye is not a passive organ, it emits. But what is the nature of the energy impulse produced by the eyes? There is no exact answer to this question yet.
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Order orgone mask
More information about Orgone Mask will be available soon
Official The Biointernet Mask website