
The Biointernet Mask Reviews
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The Biointernet Mask Classic users Reviews:

Smolka, St. Petersburg
I’ll write and write your review 🙂 Somewhere in September I got a bandage, The Biointernet Mask. It’s obvious. I liked the thing very much. Dressing her before going to sleep, she immediately felt a certain space before her eyes closed. And a quick transition to images. Even when I decided to rest in the working chair, I put it on, and again the images. Strong sensations in the heart chakra felt, also on the third eye pressure. At night, the bandage does not slip, but it is not always comfortable to sleep in it. If you are very excited, sometimes you feel the work in her head for a long time. And if under the pillow – dreams are the same bright 🙂
Also I have a Mirror of Joy. At first I worked with him during the day. The adjustment to it was felt in the daylight.
Then I pasted the sticker onto the big mirror and put it on the head of the bed. On the first night, I had three of my biggest problems in the last few years. And most importantly, in a dream they were solved. I was very surprised. I’m waiting for the denouement in reality. While more of these dreams from the mirror was not. Well, now 3 weeks I feel Super. Dreams became active from the first night, they became multilayered, long, memorable. Not as scraps, but whole films with an ending. Well, I think the SS has even strengthened “obviously.” In general, the impression of the products of Translighters are REAL. They are. Thanks to their creators!
Kirill Korotkov – March 30, 2018
I use The Biointernet Mask every night, sleeping well, nice Dreams. Thank you, Dear Dr. Avdeev!
Olga Kavarskene – June 29, 2018
A masseuse from Vilnius, Lithuania
My son was writing a diploma thesis at the university. He used to spend a lot of time in front of the computer screen. I saw him getting tired, his eyes having turned red and sore. He began to have difficulty sleeping due to the stress. I bought him a Lad to put on his computer and mobile phone and I was astonished by the result.
My son began to look more refreshed and was able to sleep better, his mood and capacity for work significantly improved. He defended his diploma thesis brilliantly. I also use the Translighter myself. It really helps me a lot, both at work and at home. I began to recommend the Translighter to my clients.
I noticed that the positive impact of my work greatly improved. Before that, every time after I had succeeded in restoring the wellbeing of a client using massage and various kinds of treatment, they returned to their environment, from where they initially became susceptible to becoming ill, and in a short period of time came back to me with the same problems.
Now after completing the treatment the person buys a Translighter and it keeps them in this healthy condition. Therefore the efficiency of my work has increased due to the Translighters. My clients also, often thank me for recommending the Translighters to them.
For example, one client of mine complained that she had been trying to have a baby for a few years, but could not. Each time, pregnancy was followed by a miscarriage – in spite of the fact that she was undergoing treatment under the supervision of various experts. She followed my advice and attached a Translighter to her clothes at the level of her waist, wearing it during the whole period of pregnancy while, at the same time, taking the treatment prescribed to her by her doctors. Childbirth was successful. Now she has already given birth to her second child. She puts the Translighter on her baby’s bed, under the pillow.
Dear Mask users, please leave your replies
I’m living in the question meaning, I wouldn’t want to come to a conclusion about the mask. I am having the most explorative journey. Why would I want it to conclude. In the initial wearing of the mask, 10-15 minutes was about maximum. I noticed the intensity of its aliveness immediately. Now, I sleep wearing it all night long. The dreams are informative and tremendously creative.
Yesterday was the first time I wore it while receiving the work of a very enlightened practitioner who works with the Biofield both touching and off the body. The many years I have received harmonization via energy practices, I do not believe I have ever had a session the likes of yesterdays. Such beautiful visions of expansive light. In fact, for whatever reasons I felt very much that the “practitioner” was on the journey with me.
I will wear it now whenever I receive. I’m feeling very blessed to have found the Translighters. I am new at using them and having deep appreciation for the effects. Sometimes subtle and sometimes most profound. I would say my overriding sense is that of Joy. Thank you for allowing reviews. When I was researching the Translighters what users had to offer about their own experiences was very important to me.Katherine –
Update: On October 5th, 2018
I offered a review of the Biointernet Mask. Within several days I had an event of great significance that until most recently, I had no theoretical framework for referencing that experience. I am still somewhat limited as I am new to the Translighters, the Human Light System etc, but I’m studying. One the night of October 8th, wearing the Mask I experienced a dream of enormous impact sending me on a trajectory greater than any journey I can recall.
Most recently while studying the HLS:2, the dream is being revealed in its meaning. The interpretation is of course, somewhat personal but I knew at the time of dreaming, it also carried significance collectively, beyond the personal in another respect. An entire book could be written on the potentially of this dream. Let it suffice to say, it was a gift that came without any doubt on my part, from the structures within the Bio-Mask.
The symbology of: Threshold, Mirror, Gravitational Pull, Noise (interference) and Telepathic ability was all set loose within its context. This was experienced with lucidity the likes of which I won’t forget. The imagery continues creating connections, a web if you will, weaving into ancestral communication (past), psychic abilities on a daily basis, (future) and the threshold of the now (present) where an influx of opportunities, connections, and communication is abundant. If that weren’t enough and it most certainly is, I have one more experience to add. After the dream (still during the night) I changed locations meaning, moved to another room, reclined with the Mask again falling into a deep sleep.
I was awakened by what at the time was daybreak. It was as if Light were coming thru the Mask which really isn’t possible. I curiously removed the Mask to find it was pure darkness in this space. But not an empty space indeed. Light, forming floral patterns and geometric looking shapes were literally dancing in the space in front of my eyes.
The room was dark, the imagery was likened to looking at a negative or Xray. Whatever direction I turned they were there. Curiosity got the better of me and I turned on a nearby lamp, actually wondering about my eyes and what might be happening. Of course they disappeared. I mentioned this because somewhere in the explanation of the Mask the beyond our normal way of seeing, other means of viewing can become possible.
I’m fairly well convinced that is what happened. I cannot express the meaningful effect the Mask is having on my life. Thank you ever so much Dr. Adeev for your research and dedication to your work, your passion. Katherine (Kathy)
The Gold Biointernet Mask Reviews:
I tried to dress GM for the night. Helps to relax well and then face muscles are very pliable)) did Mental facial massage. The energy stream in that place where the movement of mental hands mentally goes was felt. Very well works with creams night. It is possible to dress the different party the lower bandage. Up is a ledge, gives good “compress” for a chin. Down, gives healing and restoration of both a thyroid gland, and a thymus. Because when I have only dressed her first time, the convex party a bandage, that down that on a neck is dressed. At once the stream from a fork and to thyroid and up to eyebrows was felt then.Generally if so to dress, the thymus is youth if the return, lifting of a chin, a thyroid gland, the third eye. And powerful relaxation of mimic muscles which have become numb and have turned into wrinkles.
Before application of the Golden Mask my daughter rigidly was at war earlier with the brother (thankGod, only verbally), and now has replaced the relation with patronizing women’s- soft and indulgent. However, from it it became much more difficult for the son – earlier he most often won verbal duels, and now all his arrivals as if in emptiness fail. But, as they say, – “result on the person”, and quickly enough (weeks hasn’t passed as I began to notice).
3 first days I slept in a mask, interesting dreams and pretty realistic dreamed. The plot was in style of manifestation outside of my unsatisfied requirements and fears. But I would tell that they were pleasant, to steam of unpleasant feelings was in a dream, but the general plot was pleasant to me. All 3 nights I woke up on in the middle of the night with desire to unmask, probably to an organism was enough. I removed and went to bed further.
Today there was a disturbing state and fear, has shrouded all physiology. I tried structures of different other firms, they didn’t remove this state. I have laid down in a mask for 20 minutes and gradually this state has left, ease in a stomach and the head has appeared and there was even no wish to rise, there was a wish to lie further in a mask.
p.s. I drink the water structured by the Front room Super.
I have found the positive moment for myself.If every day to sleep in the Golden Mask, then uneasiness and fears is removed and respectively on physics the zone connected with it is restored, work of a stomach and intestines is normalized.
Very much helps me during monthly and before them: when the stomach hurts, I enclose the lower part of a mask under a waist or I put on a stomach, and pain very quickly abates. I recommend to women heartily, it is better than any noshpa
Golden Mask – One of powerful products for impact on a body. I put him under a pillow. At first I woke up in about three hours with whistle in the head, but now I adapted. Both at me and at relatives skin became such elastic as if in youth, the volume of food has decreased and is enough to eat two times. And here I began to drink water more, just hunting, even for the night I put a glass of water nearby, water of course is structured “by a front room the Chalice of Sunshine.The positive relation of people pleasantly pleases, you try to catch eyes even not of acquaintances…. and life that gets better…
The mask is as upraising product. The first time when dressed, on the person several minutes vibrations “walked”, now I note nothing of that kind, but people whomI communicate and meet note. Reflection in a mirror is something. People around cannot have eyes glued, secretly permanently stare (the picture decently changes). Digestion is really normalized, it is felt right after clothing of a mask. I tried to set some tasks on operation with a body, effects are. I dress several times a month and I rejoice (I think girls daily wear). This thing causes only the positive emotions. I plan to make happy the loved one with this gift.
At first I was intrigued by Lily’s response about relaxation of face muscles and cosmetic effect, esteemed about her and decided to buy and did not lose!! I have often muscles of the person, especially jaws strain, I try to weaken, but then all the same I forget and, by inertia, at me everything was again clamped. Generally yesterday I with this mask lay and tension a muscle of the person did not arise generally. Still I clamped a nape and a neck, well and the should erbelt is farther.
Very strongly hinders in life, especially, when long you sit at the computer on operation, the neck became numb even more and eyes from tension hurt. And so with a mask at me it turned out to relax more a neck and an ape, just by itself it turned out to release softly there tension. Then in throat chakra the pulsation began, at the same time the mask heated such pleasant heat a little. The body too well relaxed. In general, there is even no wish to unmask, there is a wish to lie in it to have a rest, I decided to remove all the same for the night, but supposed under a pillow.
Here, I fell asleep and woke up for a second from the fact that at forehead center as though tension left and in case of what there was such sound as jingling as though something was opened, now on operation and the neck does not become numb, eyes do not hurt even if long you look in the monitor, generally a lot of stress was removed. Generally the product powerful, all the time is felt energy from it, even when lies just under a pillow.