
About Bio-Net
Bio-Net – B2B Translighters Digital Network
Bio-Net – first the Biointernet Service in the World
Be a Magician Now!
Upgrade the Future and the Past (influence to the Present), using the Bio-Net by Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov
Create Ma Upgrade
The Japanese concept of Ma is something that relates to all aspects of life. It has been described as a pause in time, an interval or emptiness in space. Ma is the fundamental time and space life needs to grow.
Create Real Magic Now!
Bio-Net App – the Biointernet School on your phone
Bio-Net B2B Translighters Digital for Companies and corporations, Associations and professional societies, Companies selling health related products and Private specialists working in the field of traditional medicine
Welcome to the Bio-Net Admins Team!

Bio-Net Admin’s Preferences
Access to the Bio-Net Services:
- Bio-Net People (Magic Selfie) – translation of Translighters functions directly to you or/and your client
- Bio-Net Web (Magic WWW) – translation of Translighters functions to web resources
- Bio-Net Device (Technical Organizer) – Transfer Translighters Lad and Econorm functions to the vehicle or/and technical devices (phone, camera, computer, microwave etc)
- Bio-Net File – translation of Translighters functions directly to your or/and your client’s Files – texts, videos, images, programs, etc
- Translighters Digital Products for your clients with discount
- Translighters Equipment Products for your clients with discount
15%-100% discount for digital orders (your personal Biointernet Network) and 10-50% for Translighters Equipment
Connect Now! Do it on the Real Life!
Welcome to the Bio-Net!
About B2B Translighters Digital Service
Bio-Net for Companies and corporations, Associations and professional societies, Companies selling health related products and Private specialists working in the field of traditional medicine. Register Now!