History of Mask
History of Masks is History of Humans
Masks are part of “Me” from all over the time
We use different masks since we was young…
See also: Masking History Gallery

History of Mask
The use of masks in rituals or ceremonies is a very ancient human practice across the world, although masks can also be worn for protection, in hunting, in sports, in feasts, or in wars – or simply used as ornamentation. Some ceremonial or decorative masks were not designed to be worn. Although the religious use of masks has waned, masks are used sometimes in drama therapy or psychotherapy. Wiki
Why did surgeons start wearing masks?
The facemask has been used in surgical settings for over a hundred years; first described in 1897, at its inception, it consisted merely of a single layer of gauze to cover the mouth, and its primary function was to protect the patient from contamination and surgical site infection. More
Modern surgical masks began to be used in the 1960s. Their adoption caused cloth facemasks, which had been used since the late 19th century, to completely fall out of use in the developed world. However, cloth masks and surgical masks both continued to be used in developing countries.
Oldest known masks in the world
Billed as “the oldest masks in the world,” a creepy collection of 9,000-year-old stone faces is now on display in Israel. With stilted smiles and large eyeholes, the artifacts are thought to have represented the spirits of dead ancestors and may have been worn during Stone Age ceremonies and rituals, researchers say. More