Mask of Reality

Mask of Reality:
An Approach to Design for Theater
By Irene Corey
ISBN-13: 978-0876020074
ISBN-10: 0876020074
A fresh attack on the designing assignment, this book is more than a philosophy. It is a plan of action from a world-famous designer who starts with the advantage of an extraordinary talent, but then immerses herself in brick-by-brick labour to achieve her ends; who embraces her existing, often limiting conditions, and uses them to discipline her imagination.
This book, written with charm, wit, and humanity, and generously illustrated, is directed to the working theatre artist who seeks to expand his own knowledge, enlarge his own experience, explore his own capabilities, achieve his own individual style.
About the Author
Irene Corey is a nationally recognized theatrical designer, author of The Mask of Reality, an approach to Design for Theatre, and The Face is a Canvas. Co-founder of the Everyman Players, Corey is known for designing the company s The Book of Job, in which performers in shimmering Byzantine mosaic robes and makeup thrilled audiences both here and abroad. The production has been featured in many major publications in the western world. Her contributions to Children s theatre include the makeup/costume concepts for Reynard the Fox, and The Tortoise and the Hare. The latter was shown at the Venice biennale, as well as in England, South Africa, and the US. Her works have been featured on the BBC television and on CBS.
Hardcover: 124 pages
Publisher: Anchorage Pr; First Edition edition (June 1, 1968)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0876020074
ISBN-13: 978-0876020074
Book Dimensions: 8.8 x 0.5 x 11.2 inches

An Odyssey of Masquers:
The Everyman Players
By Orlin Corey and Irene Corey
SBN-13: 978-1878281098
ISBN-10: 1878281097
Mime Journal Number Two (#2)
The Mask Issue
By Irene Corey, Nina Vidrovitch, Bari Rolf and others